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Quickstart 🚀

This guide will walk you through a simple example of using SingleRust to analyze single-cell data.

Requirements & Installation

We assume here you've already installed all necessary libraries and dependencies mentioned in the Requirements page and followed the installation instructions detailed on the Installation page.

Loading Data

SingleRust supports loading data from H5AD files, which is the standard file format used by the Python package AnnData.

use single_rust::io::{read_h5ad_memory, FileScope};
use anyhow::Result;

fn main() -> Result<()> {
// Load a dataset into memory
let adata = read_h5ad_memory("path/to/your/data.h5ad")?;

// Print dataset dimensions
println!("Dataset dimensions: {} cells x {} genes", adata.n_obs(), adata.n_vars());


Basic Preprocessing

SingleRust provides functions for common preprocessing steps in single-cell analysis.

Filtering Cells and Genes

use single_rust::memory::processing::filtering::{mark_filter_cells, mark_filter_genes};

// Filter cells based on gene counts and UMI counts
let cell_filter = mark_filter_cells::<u32, f64>(
Some(200), // min_genes: keep cells with at least 200 genes
Some(5000), // max_genes: remove cells with more than 5000 genes
Some(500.0), // min_counts: keep cells with at least 500 UMIs
None, // max_counts: no upper limit
None, // min_fraction: no minimum fraction
None, // max_fraction: no maximum fraction

// Filter genes based on cell counts
let gene_filter = mark_filter_genes::<u32, f64>(
Some(10), // min_cells: keep genes expressed in at least 10 cells
None, // max_cells: no upper limit
None, // min_counts: no minimum counts
None, // max_counts: no maximum counts
None, // min_fraction: no minimum fraction
None, // max_fraction: no maximum fraction


use single_rust::memory::processing::normalize_expression;
use single_rust::Direction;
use single_rust::shared::Precision;

// Normalize expression by cell (row-wise) to a target sum of 10,000
10000, // target sum for each cell
&Direction::ROW, // normalize across rows (cells)
Some(Precision::Single), // use single precision (f32)

// Log-transform the data
use single_rust::memory::processing::log1p_expression;

log1p_expression(&adata.x(), Some(Precision::Single))?;

Finding Highly Variable Genes

use single_rust::memory::processing::compute_highly_variable_genes;
use single_rust::shared::processing::{HVGParams, FlavorType};

// Find highly variable genes using the Seurat method
let hvg_params = HVGParams {
min_mean: 0.0125,
max_mean: 3.0,
min_dispersion: 0.5,
max_dispersion: f64::INFINITY,
n_bins: 20,
n_top_genes: Some(2000), // Select top 2000 genes
flavor: FlavorType::Seurat,
span: 0.3,
batch_key: None,

compute_highly_variable_genes(&adata, Some(hvg_params))?;

Complete Example

Here's a complete example that loads a dataset, preprocesses it, and generates a PCA plot:

use single_rust::io::read_h5ad_memory;
use single_rust::memory::processing::{
filtering::{mark_filter_cells, mark_filter_genes},
normalize_expression, log1p_expression, compute_highly_variable_genes
use single_rust::memory::plot::plot_pca;
use single_rust::{Direction, PcaPlotSettings};
use single_rust::shared::Precision;
use single_rust::shared::processing::{HVGParams, FlavorType};
use plotters::style::RGBAColor;
use anyhow::Result;

fn main() -> Result<()> {
// Load dataset
let adata = read_h5ad_memory("data/sample.h5ad")?;
println!("Dataset dimensions: {} cells x {} genes", adata.n_obs(), adata.n_vars());

// Filter cells and genes
let _cell_filter = mark_filter_cells::<u32, f64>(
&adata, Some(200), Some(5000), Some(500.0), None, None, None

let _gene_filter = mark_filter_genes::<u32, f64>(
&adata, Some(10), None, None, None, None, None

// Normalize and log-transform
normalize_expression(&adata.x(), 10000, &Direction::ROW, Some(Precision::Single))?;
log1p_expression(&adata.x(), Some(Precision::Single))?;

// Find highly variable genes
let hvg_params = HVGParams {
n_top_genes: Some(2000),
flavor: FlavorType::Seurat,

compute_highly_variable_genes(&adata, Some(hvg_params))?;

println!("Analysis completed successfully!");

What's Next?

Now that you're familiar with the basics of SingleRust, check out the Tutorials for more in-depth examples and the API Reference for detailed API documentation.